Sunday, January 8, 2012

Simple Economics: by David L Horton

When the middle class and lower wage earners are doing good and have some real spending power,* then the economy does well, the businesses and wealthy benefit and all is good.

If big businesses and the wealthy get greedy and want a bigger piece of the pie and they find ways to get some of the pie from the middle class and lower wage earners, then the economy will suffer and do worse. Eventually, this will also cause the businesses and wealthy to suffer as well.

*Real spending power- earned money they have available to spend and not borrowed money at high interest rates.

The wealthy with more money does not create more jobs.

Demand for goods and services is what creates more jobs.

The middle class and lower wage earners having more real spending power, is what creates the demand for goods and services.
The economy largely depends on how well the lower wage earners and middle class are doing because there are so many more than the upper class and wealthy. When gas prices go up, then the lower wage earners and the middle class suffer the most, and the economy suffers. Greed and capitalism is a large part of the reason that gas prices go so high. This is a case when pure capitalism fails our country. We have a democracy, and we need to make some laws/regulations that keep the oil industry from holding this nation's economy and well being hostage.

In 2009 alone, 49 companies earned combined profits of $78.6 billion, yet paid no taxes - and collected tax rebates totaling $10.8 billion.
CBS News (11-3-11)

American Millionaires: 1,400 paid no U. S. income tax in 2009. (The Huffington Post)

Telling a brain surgeon that he knows nothing about the brain is the same thing as telling a scientist that studies pollutions effects on the earth that he knows nothing about his area of expertise.

Scientists say that unless those emissions — chiefly carbon dioxide from power generation and industry — level out and reverse within a few years, the Earth will be set on a possibly irreversible path of rising temperatures that lead to ever greater climate catastrophes.
CBS News (12-11-11)

Laws are written to help deter and help protect people from the wrong doing of others. Regulations are written to protect people from the wrong doing of businesses. If it were not for regulations, our rivers, streams, and water supplies would be unusable today. Republicans want deregulation and smaller government. Myself, I want water that is drinkable. If you want no protection from the wrong doing of businesses, no drinkable water, and toxic waste dumped in your back yard, then vote republican.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Voting out the existing politician and voting in someone new under the assumption that it will be better could be very wrong. New is not always better. New could be worse than the old. Use good common sense.


While the Democrats are not perfect, I am positive they will help the middle class, lower wage earners and the economy far more than the Republicans.

I do not mind others having a different opinion than I do, but when people spread lies and or hate about Obama then I do mind. is a great site that some people need to know about to get to the truth about many political statements.

The spreading of irrational fear and false malicious accusations leads to bad things happening.. For Hitler to sway his people to go along with his ideas, Hitler used irrational fear tactics.

The group of people who hated Jesus enough to crucify him must have been spreading false malicious accusations about Jesus amongst themselves. What I find so ironic is how often I see people today who are very religious and have spread false malicious accusations.

Do not let yourself be in the group who believe the irrational fears, or believe the false malicious accusations. Be very careful what you agree with and who you follow.

When I heard and saw seemingly good people talk of hating a good man, I knew there was something very wrong going on here in the USA. Some republicans and Faux News has stepped really far over the line in attacking Democrats and Obama. Greed, the spreading of irrational hate, the spreading of irrational fear, the spreading of false malicious accusations, and selfishness have made this country worse than it was when I grew up. Some people of the USA are taking this once great nation in a very negative direction, and it bothers me a lot. This is worth saying again, be very careful what you agree with, who you let influence you, and who you follow. I hope people can find it in themselves to be a part of the solution, instead of being a part of the problem.
Anton Chekhov, Russian author and playwright observed, "Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something." Adolf Hitler, the Ku Klux Klan and Muslim extremists figured that one out a long time ago. JOHN REINIERS, Hernando Today
Creating irrational fear has a very similar affect as the above statement.
Spreading Irrational Fear
Spreading false malicious accusations / lies / information
Spreading Irrational Hate
Above are all things Faux News has done.
I see many very religious people who follow and believe Faux News.
GO FIGURE!!!!!!!

A new study issued in the journal Current Biology, using a series of brain scans, found that conservatives have a increased gray matter in the section of the brain related to processing fear.

A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for big Corporations / Wealthy, and a dagger in the back of the middle class / lower wage earners. The ironic part is, the only way Mitt could get elected is with many votes from the middle class and lower wage earners.
The republicans have played a foolish game of smear the opponent even if it is not true. I say game on!!!! (Actually I think this is s foolish game to play, but it is hard to play a fair game when the opponent is not playing fair.)
I have heard that people who know Mitt Romney say he is a greedy rich *#!^!#*. I've heard people compare Mitt Romney to the devil. I believe all these things and I am passing them on. (Not right, just following the rules set by the republicans)


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